El C.E.C.I.E. 20 participando del Programa de asistentes de idioma
Desde hace más de 20 años, el Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad administra en la jurisdicción el programa de asistentes de idioma del Ministerio de Educación y Deportes de la Nación en convenios suscriptos con la Embajada de Francia, la Comisión Fulbright (EEUU) y el British Council (Reino Unido). Este programa consiste en la recepción de asistentes de idioma de EEUU, Francia y Reino Unido. Está regido por la reglamentación preparada por cada organismo responsable. En el ámbito de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, coordina este programa la responsable de programas especiales de la Gerencia Operativa de Lenguas en la Educación.
5th and 6th levels 3rd shift had the fantastic experience of meeting Maia. Students searched about New York the city where she is from and they also prepared suggestions about interesting places to visit in Buenos Aires as well as ideas to know more cultural aspects of our country. She is coming back soon with anothere language assistant to discuss about literature and readers students read during the first and second terms.
My name is Maia Moore. I was
born and raised in New York City. I am an only child and have a
mom and dad who are very supportive, loving people!
I have always been passionate about working with people, language, and learning. In 2016 I
graduated from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts with my Bachelors in Psychology
and Spanish.
A year later I received my Master of Arts in Teaching, certified in Sheltered English
Immersion. I spent 2016-2017 student teaching 3rd grade and loved it! Working with so many
children from different places and languages was my favorite part.
Since then I have been
volunteering in an elementary school in NYC and tutoring children in Spanish.
In the past I helped young people learn about the complicated U.S. college application process.
During college I volunteered as a Peer Adviser, welcoming new students to our University and
helping them adjust to college life. I got to help international students better understand American
culture. I also worked as a Teacher’s Assistant, leading class discussions in Spanish to various
levels. During the summers I work at a psychiatric hospital in the pediatric outpatient unit. It was
there that I learned more about mental health and therapy. Through my Master’s program I was
able to integrate some of these values, such as openness, emotional regulation, and selfreflection,
into my teaching.
Some things I like to do for fun… Dance! I was my university’s ballroom dance team president, and
wrote my senior thesis about the relationship between the tango and therapy!
I also love musical theatre. Nail art is another hobby of mine, as is snowboarding in the winter! I also enjoy traveling - I really want to visit every Spanish-speaking country. Even wandering around in my own city is something I adore doing. There is always something to discover in a place like NYC or Buenos Aires like a café, bookstore, park, or museum! I studied in BsAs at Flacso/CIEE and UCA for a semester during college. It was then that I fell in love with the city and knew I had to return! I could go on (and have gone on) for hours talking about language, learning, and Argentina. I am so excited to discover more about Argentine culture, share my own, and compartir more mate!