Buenas tardes!
Soy Valeria Maspero, profe de 1°E, 2°A y B.
Y yo soy Facundo Rodriguez, profesor de 1º A, 1º B y 2º C.
Alumnos/as de 1º deberán realizar un set de fotocopias (que se encuentran en Av. Alberdi 6065) con el siguiente cronograma: viernes 20 (paginas 1 a la 3) miércoles 25 (paginas 4 a la 6) y viernes 27 (paginas 7 a la 9).
También les dejamos la siguiente actividad. Pueden imprimirla o copiarla en sus carpetas.
Watch the video and complete the multiple choice.
0. (example) What is his name?
0. (example) Where is he from?
1. What's her name?
1. Where is she from?
2. What's his name?
2. Where is he from?
3. What's her name?
3. Where is she from?
4. What's her name?
4. Where is she from?
5. What's his name?
5. Where is he from?
6. What's his name?
6. Where is he from?
7. What ______ your name?
8.) How __________ spell it?
9.) Where ________ you from?
a.) Craig C R A I G b.) Creig C R E I G
0. (example) Where is he from?
a.) Oxvert b.) Oxford
1. What's her name?
a.) Sarah S E R E H b.) Sarah S A R A H
1. Where is she from?
a.) She's from Redding, in England. b.) Her from Redding, in England.
2. What's his name?
a.) Goshua G O S H U A b.) Joshua J O S H U A
2. Where is he from?
a.) He from Chicago. b.) He's from Chicago.
3. What's her name?
a.) Elena E L E N A b.) Ilina I L I N A
3. Where is she from?
a.) She's from Brazil. b.) She from Brazil.
4. What's her name?
a.) Padma P A D M A b.) Padna P A D N A
4. Where is she from?
a.) Her from India. b.) She's from India.
5. What's his name?
a.) He's name is Tom. b.) His name is Tom.
5. Where is he from?
a.) His from Canada. b.) He's from Canada.
6. What's his name?
a.) Bax B A X b.) Dax D A X
6. Where is he from?
a.) San Tiego, California b.) San Diego, California
7. What ______ your name?
a.) is b.) are
8.) How __________ spell it?
a.) are you b.) do you
9.) Where ________ you from?
a.) are b.) do
See you soon!
Vale & Facu